Over at Pastel, also known as pastelsblog.blogspot, we have been touring international pastelists, and we are following the pathway that Santa Claus might take if he were visiting bloggers that use pastels. So far, five nations with a pastelist have been highlighted: Scotland, England, Sweden, Poland and Romania. We will exhaust Europe first, and then jump continents.
This is not the easiest task, BTW! I haven't decided if the difficulty lies more with search engine limits, or lack of pastel bloggers overseas, or what. If you know of someone who is a pastel artist with some web presence, please let me know. I will be posting on occasion at Pastel, and using the hypothetical Santa-path as a means of organizing my tour. Anyway, I told my children that he follows this path!
Other series' that we have been following at Pastel include: Interviews and Brand Reviews.
Off topic comment...
I`m sure you know his path Casey. I`ve seen the recent pictures of santas` workshop in a snowy wonderland. Yup, Santa Klahn. Hint to other readers; the sleigh`s in the big barn.
Good luck with your search. I`ll keep an eye open for international pastel artists with blogs.
The kids and I are plotting to shave the beard, so the Santa Klahn thing will be in the past...har!
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